Piraty Ola WayOla and Lillian(8 🏴‍☠️👸)Log InGet started

Hal's HTML TimeShip

Halloo! Hal here. The Hero of my tall tale isn't me, it's my boss Lotta.

A story's supposed to have a start. Sorry about that, but I NEED to tell you today, because ... you'll see.

A long time ago, on a bridge far, far away ....







Lillian Raae-Vea (8 🏴‍☠️👸)

& Ola Vea

Our Lost Lassies

It's not all fun and feastdays at our Bridge. South of us is Southie.

And this spring alone 2 lassies have gone missing from our Bridge.

Word on our Bridge is our lost lassies 💙 got kidnapped by Southie Baddies 💀

Word on our Bridge is, our lost lassies got kidnapped by Southie baddies.

The watchmen haven't patrolled into Southie for 12 years.

Lotta & I woke to banging on our door. «Ah, it's you.» I let in the Blacks, from two houses down.

«Our Lucy sent us a letter.» Said mr Black. «That's good.» I Said. Mrs Black sat down on the floor, bawling her eyes out.

"Look, there's another letter attached." Said mrs Black and I reached for it.

"Hal!" Lotta shouted. "Put the kettle on, that's a dear." Lotta thinks I rub some people the wrong way sometimes, like now.

The Ransom Note

Wanna see Yer gurl? give us the treasure map'o the web-dev islands.

best wishes X.

"Why'd the Blacks come to Lotta & me with that ransom note?" you ask.

We are Detectives, Lotta & I, Pirate Detectives.

Hal fed the Blacks ginger cookies as they told us their tearful tale.

How little Lucy went out to do a morning delivery of chocolate croissants, never to be seen again.

«Leave it with us.» Lotta said.


«We'll find this Treasure Map of these so-called 'Web-Dev' Islands &


we'll set up an exchange, don't you worry.»


«YESS! We've got a new CASE!» Said Hal when we were alone.


«And a TOUGH one.» Said Lotta. Thoughtfully tapping her sharp right front tooth.


«So what's our next move boss?» Said Hal. «Have you ever heard of these 'Web- Dev Islands?» Said Lotta.


«Not a pip, but why should I have? The whole PLACE sounds insanely illegal. "web-dev"! It's pure Treason , innit.» Hal said.


«Yeah .... Let's go have some egg & bacon breakfast down at the Dolphin and see what gossip we can pick up about these 'Web-Dev Islands'.» I said

So Hal and I popped into the Dodgy Dolphin for a spot of breakfast. As always there was a loud group of musicians and actors drinking at the bar. We ignored them and went to the fireplace. A handfull of sailors were sitting close to the roaring fire. I say "sailors", but they were proper pirates. We knew them from the "Tarquin Todd case" last summer.

Hal & I brought the pirates a round of grog and a piece of paper with my sketchnoted Web-Dev Islands Treasure Map. Hal & I ate our bacon'n eggs in silence. It's a mistake to ask a question off of a pirate, she'll clam up. But shut up yourself and a pirate will start chatting like a magpie. Can't help herself. Silence is torture to a pirate. Uncle Walsingham told us that.

A hard looking redhead slammed her empty grog on the table.

«Yall heard the one about how ol'Cap'n Crook aaaalmost lost BOTH his hands?» She whispered huskily and pulled a great wad of chewing tobacco out of her upper jaw. I've heard several versions, but I wasn't worried because the tales were all GREAT.

«He wasnae old back then our Cap'n Crook. A beardless cook boy he was. We were boarding a french frigate in the Biscay. Totally legit mind you, we HAD the paperwork. The weather turned treacherous, slapping our ship around. Next thing Captain Pan hisself was down in the drink. Captain Pan floating around unconscious, helpless as a babe in a Bahamas jungle! Young Crook jumped right in after. And wouldn't you know it a shark showed up instantly. Some say Crook had read about the trick in a book, but anyway the boy punched that shark straight in the snout. The shark gave Crook an insulted stare to the count'o 10. Crook though, didn't blink. The boy stared right back into that sharky eye, holding his guard up lika pro. That gave the crew juuuust time enough to hoist Captain Pan» Said .

«.» Said . «.» I said «.» Said Hal.

© Lillian (7 🏴‍☠️👸) and Cap'n Ola Vea (43 🏴‍☠️⛵) and their cheerful crew of skill-builder pirates 1554 - 2024